Monday, June 1, 2009

[Lady GaGa - Paparazzi] Music Video Extravaganza

lady gaga beats


"Paparazzi" by Lady Gaga

Perez Hilton himself premiered the lavish new music video by the eccentric and grandiloquent Lady GaGa. The subject is “Paparazzi,” GaGa’s latest UK single. The song is easily the most personable track on The Fame, but far from my favorite. In his premiere blog post, the self-anointed Queen of All Media exclaims:

It is her strongest work to date. It is a mini-film. It is art. It is visual pornography. It is satire. It is commentary. It is brilliant!

Aside from the visual pornography remark (what the hell is that Perez?), Queen P is not far off the mark. This indeed is GaGa’s strongest video to date. It is certainly an entertaining mini-film, reminiscent of Michael Jackson’s love affair with 15-minute-film making. The video is definitely commenting on what it is to be famous in this day and age, and Lady GaGa makes fun of the silly idea by busting a Britney.

Hopefully with this video GaGa finally got her point across — the same statement that is riddled throughout her album:

This idea of ‘The Fame’ runs through and through. Basically, if you have nothing—no money, no fame—you can still feel beautiful and dirty rich. It’s about making choices, and having references—things you pull from your life that you believe in. It’s about self-discovery and being creative. The record is slightly focused, but it’s also eclectic. The music is intended to inspire people to feel a certain way about themselves, so they’ll be able to encompass, in their own lives, a sense of inner fame that they can project to the world, and the carefree nature of the album is a reflection of that aura. I like to funnel interesting ideas to the rest of the world through a pop lens.

(Zoot Pod Rating)
Song: 7.5/10
Video: 9.5/10 (ASTONISHING VIDEO!!!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think the reason I'm appealed to Lady GaGa is because she's so sophisticated. And her passion for art rather it be fashion which is stunning mind you (I'm sure fashion lover Esuterra knows it) and all of her videos to her songs are just so unique and effing cool. Definitely different from the mainstream shit you see. Lady GaGa is Alex-approved hahahaha. And she loves Korea apparently. I saw her performance in Korea on YouTube and it was crazy, so many weird fans but she was fantastic.